
Sunday 21st  April 2024

This service is live-streamed from Perry Street

Series: Conversations with God - we listen in on six conversations between God and His people, recorded by the prophet Malachi.

3. Faithfulness - Malachi 2:10-
The third conversation focusses on faithfulness. When we forget God’s love we can move into a place of unfaithfulness and a broken relationship with God can result in broken relationships with others. In Malachi 2, the word unfaithful crops up multiple times. Malachi challenges the people’s covenant-breaking unfaithfulness to God, and then goes on to point out that it has led to their unfaithfulness to one another (Malachi 2:10). God longs for His people to marry those who also love Him. He wants marriages where you love each other, and the primary way you do that is by loving God first. He wants marriages where you can serve together, grow together, and follow God’s ways together. In this conversation God challenges His people about divorce. 


Rev. Gary Bott preaches with worship led by Katie and the team.



Catch up with the rest of the series at

Thank you for joining us today. 

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