
Sunday 14th  April 2024

This service is live-streamed from Perry Street

Series: Conversations with God - we listen in on six conversations between God and His people, recorded by the prophet Malachi.

2. Devotion - Malachi 1:6-2:9
The second conversation between God and His people where He accuses them of lacklustre commitment to Him. When we have half-hearted devotion it is often the result of us losing sight of God’s great love for us. We still have a semblance of faith, but we’ve lost our blazing hot enthusiasm for God. Have there been times in your life when you’ve lived a churchy life, but your zeal has cooled off and you find yourself just going through the motions? God’s love isn’t based on our performance but on His promise.

Roger Grimes preaches with worship led by Christine and the team.



Catch up with the rest of the series at

Thank you for joining us today. 

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