


Tuesday 26th March
Peter denies Jesus - Luke 22:54-62


‘Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: “Before the cock crows today, you will disown me three times.”
Luke 22:61b

Roger Grimes writes:

Sunday 3rd of July 1988 is a date firmly imprinted on my mind. It’s the day I left home as an 18-year-old to start my training as a Metropolitan Police Cadet in London. I’d grown up in a Christian home, been taught about Jesus, committed my life to Him and been baptised. Going into a new and challenging situation, I was aware my faith in Jesus was potentially going to be tested. On that first day, the 24 males on my course, were separated into 3 dormitories of 8. The dormitories were open plan - everyone could see everyone else. As we got into our beds that first night, the lad opposite me got out a book and started reading it. One of the others in the dormitory called across “Hey, what are you reading?” He replied, “My bible.” Almost immediately, some light-hearted ridicule began. At this point, I should’ve reached into my bedside cupboard, taken out my own bible and said, “I have one too.” However, to my shame, I stayed silent. I didn’t join in the teasing, I simply said nothing. It remains a very clear memory of a time I denied Jesus.

I have to admit there have been many more times in the last 36 years and of course they don’t all look the same. There have been times, when again, I have remained silent. There have been times when I have been asked about my weekend and dropped in a quick mention of ‘church’ but failed to share further about how Jesus has transformed my life and the wonder of a relationship with him. And there have been times when my actions towards others don’t match up to someone who claims to know and love Jesus. Maybe you identify with some of my thoughts and failings.

Peter loved Jesus and was a passionate disciple and so the account of his denial in some ways is shocking, but like you and me, Peter was human and when push came to shove, he messed up. It’s tempting to think that just because Peter got it wrong, it’s ok for us. In some respects, that’s true, because just like Peter we receive the undeserved mercy and grace of God and we go again. However, the most important thing is to learn from our errors and as we receive God’s forgiveness, we ask for courage from the Holy Spirit, that the next time, we will stand for Jesus and we are prepared to identify with Him in whatever circumstances. This is one of the ways we not only show repentance but also develop our maturity in Christ.

Jesus gave Peter and the other disciples some very clear instructions about denial while he was with them and it was this “If anyone would be my disciple, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me …”
(Luke 9 v 23)

When Peter denied Jesus and when we do the same, we get this verse completely wrong. Jesus asks us as his disciples, to deny ourselves; to not be concerned about what others may say or think, but to be willing to wholeheartedly identify with Jesus as belonging to Him. As Jesus took up a physical cross for us, he asks us to take up our own crosses; the ridicule, the discomfort and the injustice that may come our way from others when we stand boldly for Him. And He asks us to do this daily, not just every now and then. Jesus honoured you and me when he carried his own cross. May we be prepared to honour Him as we deny ourselves, take up our own crosses and follow Him.


In what ways do I deny Jesus? What will it look like for me to deny myself and take up my cross every day?


Lord Jesus, thank you that when I get life wrong, you shower me with love and grace. I recognise there are times I have denied you and let you down, where I have failed to stand for you and identify as belonging to you. I am truly sorry. Please strengthen me by your Holy Spirit to take up my cross daily, to live boldly for you and bring honour to you because you alone are deserving of it. Amen.